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Cursus Korean Painting


Join the meditative world of Korean Painting!

Deel deze cursus:

Join the Korean Painting course!

This course is not just a class but a new ‘experience’. We will begin with meditation and controlled breathing to approach traditional painting. Participants can develop concentration through mindful experiences and expand their learning through a unique culture. 


What to expect: 

  1. Meditation and Breathing
  • Each class starts with meditation and controlled breathing to calm the mind and enhance focus. 
  1. Line Practice
  • Basic line exercises 
  • Various line exercises related to the subject 
  1. Story Behind the Art
  • Presentations on the stories behind the paintings 
  1. Four Seasons Plants
  • Drawing plants representing the four seasons 
  • Winter And Spring: Drawing a Plum Blossom

Target Audience 

This course is suitable for anyone aged 16 and up. No prior experience is necessary; just give it a try! The lessons cater to both beginners and advanced students, with guidance primarily being individual. The lessons are taught in English.  

Class Duration and Number of Lessons 

  • Duration: 2 hours per class 
  • Number of lessons: 8 
  • Participants per group: maximum of 10 


Platform C provides: 

  • Ink, Rice paper, Brushes, Tablecloths, plates (10 small, 10 large) and buckets for water.  


About one hour every two weeks.

Teaching Method 

The course is interactive, with 20% theory and 80% practice. Korean painting is based on literature and philosophy, so theory is important. Practical exercises will be tailored to the individual characteristics of each participant. 


  • Personal guidance from an experienced instructor 
  • Interactive sessions that encourage participation and enthusiasm 
  • Instruction on both the technical and creative aspects of Korean painting 
  • Being part of a diverse and cultural community at Platform C 
  • Meditation combined with painting increases concentration and creativity 


After completing the “Korean Painting In & Out” course, you will: 

  • Develop a keen sense for the lines drawn with ink. 
  • Understand that Korean painting (sumukhwa) is not just calligraphic drawings with black ink but holds deeper meanings. 
  • Learn new techniques and the joy of this art form. 
  • Improve your understanding and handling of materials, allowing you to draw at a higher level. 
  • Gain a new appreciation for nature and become more grateful for your surroundings. 
  • Develop a deeper understanding of yourself and become better at staying in the present moment. 

About the Instructor 

This course is taught by an experienced professional and artist with many years of expertise. For more information about the instructor, see https://www.studiok-art.nl/our-instructors. 

Join the course and discover the deep and meditative world of Korean painting! 


Bereken hieronder de prijs op basis van leeftijd en lesvorm.
Groepsles is minimaal 30 minuten per week, zie ook onze  algemene voorwaarden.
Als u later in het jaar instroomt, wordt het cursusgeld naar rato berekend zodra de plaatsing definitief is.
Platform C heeft kortingsregelingen, meer informatie vind u hier.

Ja, ik meld mij aan

Vul het formulier hieronder volledig in. Kies de lesvorm die je wilt. Als er in deze balk geen keuzes worden getoond, kan de cursus alleen worden gevolgd in de hierboven vermelde lesvorm. 

Let verder op het volgende:

  • Je vult bij ‘gegevens cursist’ eerst de gegevens in van degene die de cursus gaat volgen.
  • Is de cursist jonger dan 18 jaar, vul dan op het volgende scherm bij ‘gegevens van de betaler’ de gegevens in van de ouder, verzorger of voogd.
  • Heb je het formulier volledig ingevuld, klik dan onderaan op de knop ‘inschrijven’ en volg, bij betalingsmogelijkheid per iDEAL, verdere instructies.
  • Na inschrijving ontvang je van ons per e-mail een bevestiging.

Helaas is deze cursus al begonnen of volgeboekt. We waarderen je interesse en helpen je graag.
Wil je als eerste weten wanneer jij je kan aanmelden voor het nieuwe aanbod? Schrijf je dan in voor onze nieuwsbrief!

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