On Sunday, March 19, the Platform C building will house the headquarters of the KPMG Spring Marathon.
It is essential for the organization of this runners' event to have a strategically located and functional coordination point. We are pleased that the organization of the KPMG Spring Marathon has chosen us as the headquarters for the event, because sport, like culture, pursues this same goal. Through art and culture, Platform C focuses on increasing people's cultural capacity and thus their ability to participate in society.
Culture and sports hand in hand
Platform C believes that art and culture play an indispensable role in the lives of young and old. It offers people the opportunity for personal development and enables them to learn with and from each other. From this conviction Platform C makes active cultural participation possible for everyone, together with its partners in Amstelveen and the Amstelland region.
Platform C offers activities for young and old in music, dance, theater, language, visual arts and media.
To contribute to increasing the ability to participate in society, we work together with various partners in the fields of art, culture, welfare and sports, not only from our building at Stadsplein, but also in Amstelveen's neighborhoods. Madeleine Heijligers, director Platform C:
"We believe that culture and sports contribute to people's personal development and to a complete and colorful life."
Volunteers Wanted
The KPMG Spring Marathon is also still looking hard for volunteers. Would you like to help Sunday, March 19 and be welcomed into the beautiful venue of Platform C? Then sign up as a volunteer at https://www.lentemarathon.nl/vrijwilligers/