ANBI data

Platform C is a foundation with a director/administrator and supervisory board. We subscribe to the Governance Code Culture.
Platform C has an ANBI Cultuurstatus and receives subsidy from the municipality of Amstelveen. The annual accounts and business plan of Platform C can be downloaded below.

CBCT certified

Platform C is a member of the branch organization Cultuurconnectie. This membership brings with it the agreement that continuous attention is given to the quality of the organization, the services and the regular, external assessment thereof through certification. We find it important that our clients, partners and financiers know that we meet certain quality requirements. But we also want to meet certification requirements for our own organization.

In fact, an external audit identifies our strengths and weaknesses in our organization and services and helps us to further organizational development and future-proofing. 

In October 2022, Platform C successfully went through this certification process. You will find the certification sign at the entrance.

Certification | Culture Connection

General data ANBI publication obligation

General ANBI data Platform C

Annual Accounts

Platform C 2023 Financial Statements

Business Plan

Platform C - Business plan 2022-2026
Platform C - Multi-year policy plan 2024-2027

Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce 41201303
OB number NL0028.55.823.B.01

Supervisory Board

Platform C has a Supervisory Board model. The Supervisory Board consists of at least three members, appointed by the Board itself. Members are publicly recruited according to a predetermined profile. They are always appointed for 3 years and can be reappointed twice at the most. The members of the Board are not remunerated. The responsibilities and working methods of the Supervisory Board are laid down in the articles of association and in separate regulations.


Composition of Platform C Supervisory Board as of May 2023:

  • Haris Achterberg
  • Kees Boef
  • Peter de Groot
  • Esther Janssen


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