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In partnership with Platform C, codethatidea is bringing professional, interactive, and empowering coding courses to all children from 7 to 12 years of age! In...
With the goal of promoting the talent development of young people in Amstelveen, Lab C has opened its doors as an incubator for creativity and expression. Among...
Starting Saturday, Feb. 18, Uddipana Das will again teach Bolly-Hop classes in the ballet room of Platform C. Bolly-Hop is a fusion of HipHop and Bollywood dance. Uddipana...
Saturday, Feb. 11, '23, Bhangra dance classes will start again in the ballet room of Platform C. The classes will be taught by Kanika Bansal.
A new series of CultuurKabaal will start in January '23 in Bankras, Groenelaan, Keizer Karelpark and Middenhoven. Including classes DJ, Streetdance, Animation & Programming.
It is still possible to register for the creative courses Botanical Drawing and Drawing for Beginners. These will begin in May and June '22....
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